Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Happy Birthday, Declaration of Independence #Giveaway

Posted by Susan B James on 3:00:00 AM with 1 comment
Independence was declared on July 2nd, 1776. On July 2nd, 2019 it will be 243
Here is a link to many odd Declaration if Independence Facts. 

But I learned that particular fact from the musical 1776,
I linked to the film, but I saw the 1969 original production on Broadway. Nineteen times. My room mates and I fell in love with the production, Since in 1969 standing room at a broadway show cost a mere three dollars and fifty cents, we were able to indulge ourselves, Repeatedly.
I believe the show is being revived next year. But at the current price of theatre tickets I will content myself with the movie which stars many of the original Broadwaycast.

1776 spurred my love of American History. I studied books biographies, Adam's and Jefferson's diaries, visited many of the original battlefields, saw a ghost at sunset on the Concord grounds. In Lexington I bought a book called A Narrative of A Revolutionary Soldier. A paper covered original account written by a private in Washington's Army.

I had a wonderful time annotating the script of 1776 and comparing it to actual historice statements. There were a lot of them. Peter Stone, the playwright did great research.

If you follow Outlander, I know you know a good deal about the American Revolution,
I loved Elswyth Thane's Dawn's Early Light, the firs book in her Williamsburg series, and Barbara Michael's Patriot's Dream.
Has anyone got a good 4th of July American Revolution read for me? No other war please.
And I have read all the Abigail and John books. 

I am offering a 7.76  Amazon gift certificate for my favorite of your recommendations. 
Please leave them in the comments. Happy 4th. Happy week. Happy reading.

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1 comment :

  1. Loved the facts for the Declaration of Independence~ Your love for 1776~~ it was a marvelous, as was Bill Daniels!


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