Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Book in a Week & Camp Nano = First Draft.

Posted by Susan B James on 3:00:00 AM with 1 comment

On April 9, 2015, I started the Book in A Week challenge. I attended April Kihlstrom's Book in a Week workshop at the 2015 California Dreaming Conference and I felt 50% sure I was equal to it. All I had to do was write 8,000 words a day.
I began writing at 10:00 AM. Sixteen hours later, I quit for the day. I had written about 6,000 words.
I knew I couldn't keep up that pace.
Everything was in my favor. Beautiful place to write. A chance to clear my mind every day with  Yoga and a walk on Ventura Beach. Zero interruptions. . . .

My brain wouldn't cooperate. Jen, my main character, veered off course, taking the plot with her. My subconscious took over the writing. Good, yes? Ummmm.
My subconscious spent a lot of time meditating. Tidbit by tidbit, it released plot points.
Day 2. 4,000 words.
By the end of the week, I had 33,000 words; a plot that scared me, and a determination to see it through.
Fortunately, it was April. I turned to CampNaNoWriMo for encouragement, I am a deadline junkie. I need chocolate, coffee and a goal. I highly recommend Camp NanoWriMo.
At 11:00 PM on April 30th, I typed The End on Maybe This Time.
Trumpets sound. Angels sing Hosanna
I had my first draft.
I'd gone through the fire and survived and I think my time travel logic will hold. It was a real cliffhanger. I wasn't sure Google or my subconscious would tell me how to solve it.

I am now going to make Paleo Chocolate Chili Fudge. I ate the last batch during the final three days.

Best things about writing

1.You get to create your own world.
2. If you let them, your characters will astound you.
3.The joy of learning something new.
4. Someone invented the computer and gave writers a new set of tools. Cut. Paste. Spell check and, best of all, Cntrl & Z which undoes your last mistake (like erasing a whole chapter.)
5. Having a great critique group.
6. Going to SCBWI or RWA events
7. The call or email saying someone wants your work.
8. The first time you see your cover.
9. Good reviews.
10. Calling yourself a writer and believing it.

Worst things about writing

1. The no idea zone.
2. Your brain won't give you a sentence.
3. You hate your character.
4. The dead middle of the story.
5. Trying to find an agent.
6. Trying to find a publisher.
7. Rejection(ssssssssssssssssss)
8. Trying to keep up with social media.
9. Bad reviews.
10. Believing there are so many good books out there and why would anyone read yours?
Add to my list, please. What are your favorite and least favorite things about your career?

The happy Ending? Several rewrites and two critique groups later, Soul Mate Publishing accepted Maybe This Time and it  will be published July 12th, 2017

1 comment :

  1. Congratulations!
    And I thought writing 25K words in a month last summer was good! Dang, girl---YOU ROCK!


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