Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Meet Barbara Russell and her Steampunk/Victorian The Heart Collector #Giveaway

Posted by Susan B James on 3:00:00 AM with 2 comments

When I realized The Heart Collector was a Steampunk novel set in Aukland in 1884, I immediately wanted to meet the author. Barbara is not only here, she is giving away five copies of The Heart Collector. Rafflecopter at the end of the post.
 Barbara, please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m an entomologist and a soil biologist, which is a fancy way to say that I dig in the dirt, looking for bugs. Nature and books have always been my passion. I was a kid when I read The Lord Of The Rings and fell in love with fantasy novels.
When I discovered cosy mystery and crime novels, I fell in love with Hercules Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. Then I grew up and . . . Nah, I’m joking. I didn’t grow up. Don’t grow up, folks! It’s a trap. Agree!!!!
PS I hate gardening. There, I said it. Sorry fellow Kiwis. 

I love firsts, so tell me about the moment when a publisher told you they wanted to publish your book.
I was walking my dogs when I got the email from Champagne Books with the contract offer. I couldn’t believe it. In fact, I tripped and my dogs fell over me, and they started to bark, all excited. It took a while to calm them down, haha.

If it isn’t too nosy. How about the first time you kissed your true love?
It was super awkward. It was too dark to see a thing and I think I kissed his nose first. Then we tried again, and he kissed my chin. Third time is the charm and finally we got it right ;)
Other than your own, who are your favorite (heroes/heroines/writers) in your genre?
I love everything by Bec Macmaster. Love her characters, plots, and writing style. She’s one of my fav authors.
What is the most exciting moment, so far, in your writing career?
Hmm… not sure if it sounds so exciting, but it’s the moment when I reached 10 reviews on Amazon!! I felt like an accomplished author.  Watching reviews come in is lovely. Like author hugs.

What is your favorite pastime, other than writing?
I love trekking and climbing and spend time with my dogs. I’m not a TV person, so I read A LOT. I prefer books to films. In fact, I’ve never seen Dr Who, Game of Throne, Breaking Bad… I know. Kill me now.
How do you motivate yourself when inspiration takes a vacation?
I don’t want to jinx myself *fingers crossed* but so far, I’ve never had a writer’s block. I always start writing the outline first, so if the story doesn’t work, I change it or leave it and start a new outline. Once I start writing the novel, I don’t stop until it’s finished. I have an OCD about writing, lol. I feel guilty when I’m not writing or when I write less than 3K per day. It’s a bit exhausting.

Any advice for new writers just starting out?
Don’t quit. I don’t believe in luck, but I believe in hard work and that hard work ultimately brings luck :)
Tell us about The Heart Collector.   http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07HHJGBBX
Auckland, 1884. The Supernaturals are frightened. Despite being able to do extraordinary things like teleporting or lighting a fire with a stare, a serial killer, the Heart Collector, is slaughtering them. He rips their chests open and removes their hearts.
While other aristocratic, nineteen-year-old girls spend time dancing, Isabel trains hard to become an MI7 agent—Military Intelligence Seventh Division, a crime squad run by Supernaturals. The Heart Collector murdered her best friend, and enrolling at MI7 is the best way to help catch the killer.

Isabel senses other people’s feelings as if they were her owns. But MI7’s leader is too worried about Isabel’s safety to let her join the team.
Eager to prove that her power is valuable, Isabel volunteers to meet Murk, a dangerous Supernatural man who can turn himself invisible. MI7 desperately tried to recruit him and failed.
She believes that her power is enough to convince Murk to become an MI7’s agent and help apprehend the Heart Collector. If he wants to attack her, his feelings will broadcast his intention, and she’ll be ready.
What Isabel isn’t ready for is to fall in love with the man who will collect her heart.

Auckland, New Zealand, 1884
Lady Ermintrude

You don’t mind if I whisper, do you? Hastings Manor is full of ears, and people’s best pastime is gossip. Thank goodness I’m not that type of lady. But I have to speak my mind.
My niece Isabel, the current Duchess of Sussex, has gone mad. She’s accommodating, here in Hastings Manor, street urchins. Street urchins! From Auckland’s rookery!
Good gracious, I need a sherry. These street urchins don’t even have decent names and the youngest one, called Trigger—ptf!—spat on his teaspoon to clean it. The older, the one called Murk, I think he’s a thief or a murderer. Apparently, he can turn himself invisible. Invisible! So inappropriate.
Those dark eyes mean trouble, mark my word, but Isabel thinks he’s charming. Poppycock, I say. I’m sure she’d like to dirty-puzzle with him. Oh, the horror. But does she listen to me? No one is listening to me anymore. A bunch of rebels they are.  Now, where’s my sherry?
I love the blurb and teaser and the cover. I want to read it. What’s your current WIP?
I’m working on a new series. I’ve recently published The Heart Collector-Auckland Steampunk#1, which is the first book of a planned series, a romantic suspense novel. I’ve already written the first seven books of the series (they needs a few rounds of edit though, lol). So I wanted to take a break from that and start something new. It’s set in the Victorian Era. I love Victorian novels and writing in that setting for many reasons. I love the dresses (aside from the blasted corsets, haha), the social setting gives a lot of material for conflict, and it reminds me of Sherlock Holmes’s novels. I have a passion for crime/ mystery stories. Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie are my favourite authors, along with Tolkien and J. K. Rowling. I just finished writing a Victorian Time Travel and I am about to send it to beta readers. Anyone interested in being a beta reader for Lord Byron's Daughter?

And finally, where can we find you?
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/barbara-russell
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RussellBarbara84

Landing page: https://mailchi.mp/f3c0a9bf3544/barbararussell
Barbara, thank you for being here. Fair warning folks. I am entering the Rafflecopter. May the odds be ever in your favor. Happy Reading, everyone.

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